The business is run by the husband and wife team Ian and Sue Whitehead together with their daughters Rebecca and Sarah. A real family affair.
A lot of care and attention is taken to produce their award winning products putting quality, provenance and sustainability at the forefront.
Now in its fourth decade, the business continues to use high welfare pork in their produce.
We are absolutely delighted to have won the 2020 East Anglian Daily times “Pride of Suffolk” award. We want to take this opportunity to thank all our customers who have supported us over the years, it really means the world and encourages us to keep making delicious charcuterie.

Lane Farm had somewhat of a false start after the hurricane of October 1987 wiped out most of the farm and had to be rebuilt from the ground up.
Having started as a pig-breeding business, the Whitehead’s soon starting making their own pork products, from sausages to bacon and ham. It was following a trip to Italy 20 years ago that Ian and Sue became enamoured by the way Salami was made, how it smelt and how it tasted.
Whilst visiting a truly authentic delicatessen selling local salamis and legs of Parma ham hanging from the ceiling, Ian asked the owner if he could show him how to make air-dried products. Fortunately for us, he said yes.
Back in 2003, making salami in the UK was unheard of and the question was asked, could it be done?
We thought it could, but if we were going to compete with our European neighbours it had to be done right. To further understand the science behind charcuterie Ian underwent trips to Germany, Spain and Italy. Making delicious salamis and chorizos on our premises is a labour of love and we are constantly looking at new and innovating concepts to offer to our customers.
In 2025 we had to make the difficult decision not rear as many pigs at the farm due to family reasons. We will still rear pigs on site but we will also be using pork that has been reared by our friends locally.
Salami is just one of Lane Farm’s popular product ranges, to see more please visit www.lanefarm.co.uk